The Somalia Joint Fund accelerates the UN’s contribution to sustainable and peaceful development in Somalia by providing a platform for joint policy and strategic dialogue that translates into high-quality and flexible programming across seven priority areas.
Status: Active
Latest reports:
Fund established:
The work of the Somalia Joint Fund are possible thanks to the generous contributions by public and private sector partners
The work of the Somalia Joint Fund is possible thanks to the efforts of . These resources are pooled and channelled to participating organizations to promote joint action and multi-stakeholder partnerships, making a difference on the ground.
A continuation of the Somalia Multi-Window Trust Fund—established in 2014— the Somalia Joint Fund accelerate UN contributions to sustainable and peaceful development by providing a platform for joint policy and strategic dialogue that translates into high-quality and flexible programming across seven thematic funding windows: Inclusive Politics; Rule of Law; Human Rights and Gender; Climate and Resilience; Community Recovery and Local Governance, Economic Development, and Social Development.
The SJF leverages its flexible funding to promote deeper UN integration, closer partnership with Government, and to facilitate evidence-based strategic dialogue with and alignment between donors informed by portfolio of interlinked strategic programming. Doing so empowers stakeholders of the Somalia Joint Fund to increase flexibility of UN programming to maximize the value of all investments and ensure required agility necessary in a highly dynamic context.
The SJF’s portfolio is derived from the UN Cooperation Framework for Somalia and fully aligned with Somalia’s National Development Plan. Six cross-cutting programmatic themes guide all investments and include gender equality and women’s empowerment, leaving no one behind, social contract and legitimacy, capacity-sharing and exit strategies, anti-corruption, and environment and climate security.
All SJF investments incorporate programmatic standards such as portfolio-level data collection and analysis, evidence-driven reporting and communication, and joint risk management, and improved management capacity.
SJF Management Group
The SJF Management Group is responsible for the strategic direction of the Somalia Joint Fund and approval of new programmes. It is co-chaired between the UN and the Government and includes two rotating donor representatives.
Partner Forum
Comprises the UN and contributing donors. The Partner Forum provides a platform for strategic dialogue and information exchange on performance of the fund.
The Secretariat is responsible for day-to-day functions of the fund, overseeing financing allocation and project cycle management. The Secretariat also provides policy and technical advice to the Resident Coordinator and the Management Group and have programme cycle management, administration and coordination responsibilities.
Participating Organizations
Participating United Nations Organizations develop project/programme proposals, and report on implementation and financial performance to the SJF Management Group through the Secretariat and Administrative Agent. Organizations establish mechanisms to implement activities through national authorities and other national, regional, and international organizations and local NGOs.
Administrative Agent
Recipient Organizations receive funds through the Administrative Agent, the MPTF Office. The Administrative Agent is responsible for the receipt, administration and management of contributions from donors, disbursement of funds to Recipient Organizations, and consolidation and dissemination of progress reports to donors.
The work of is possible thanks to the efforts of contributors. Since together they have contributed . In the annual contributions amounted to .
Funds with Administrative Agent | |
Contributions from Donors | |
Contributions from MDTFs | |
-Sub-total contributions | |
Interest and Investment Income (from fund) | |
Interest (from Participating Organizations) | |
Other Income | |
Fund balance transferred to another MDTF | |
Refunds by Administrative Agent to Contributors | |
Total source of funds | |
Transferred to Participating Organizations | |
Transfers to MDTFs | |
Transfers to Participating Organizations for Direct Cost - Fund Secretariat etc | |
-Sub-total transfers | |
Refunds from Participating Organizations | |
Refunds received from Participating Organizations for Direct Cost | |
-Sub-total refunds | |
Administrative Agent Fee | |
Bank Charges | |
Other | |
Total use of funds | |
Funds with Participating Organizations | |
Transfers to Participation Organizations | |
Total resources | |
Participating Organizations' Expenditure | |
Refunds from Participating Organizations | |
Total expenses | |
Total Balance of Funds | |
As a percentage of deposits |
Somalia Joint Fund is currently supporting count_projects ongoing projectscount_globalInterregional and count_countries country-specific. This table shows the most recently approved ongoing projects.
All project financial information can be found in the Financials section, including delivery analysis by organization, theme and project; project financial status by country and by theme.
Somalia Joint Fund
Contributions to trust funds administered by the MPTF Office are pooled with other partner resources to achieve greater impact and leverage the SDGs. This map provides a geographical breakdown of all investments.
* The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations or UNDP concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
> $55M
$55M - $25M
$25M - $5M
< $5M
Budget amounts in US$
Stakeholders strive for results by improving the relevance and effectiveness of resources invested in national recovery and development in Somalia.
At the launch of the #Somalia Joint Fund (SJF) in #Mogadishu today, @UN's @KikiGbeho lauded the #SJF as a useful tool, that allowed the #UN and international partners to work together in support of Somalia's state and #peacebuilding priorities. pic.twitter.com/iWhGT63hGb
— UNSOM (@UNSomalia) May 10, 2023
Peter Nordstorm, Senior Trust Fund Manager, Somalia Joint Fund Secretariat, Email: nordstromp@un.org
Lula Sherif, Programme Specialist, Somalia Joint Fund Secretariat, Email: sherifl@un.org
Ahmed Hashi, Operations Specialist, Email: ahmed.hashi1@un.org
George Conway, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, Email: george.conway@undp.org
Assia Sidibe, Senior Portfolio Manager, Email: assia.sidibe1@undp.org
Dawit Ghebremichael, Portfolio Associate, Email: dawit.ghebremichael@undp.org
Myasanda Hlaing, Finance Associate, Email: myasanda.hlaing@undp.org