Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund 

OverviewWomen's Peace and Humanitarian Trust Fund

The Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund provides flexible and fast financing for integrated interventions that increase women’s participation in response to crises and emergencies, as well as preventing conflict, encouraging national ownership of development investments, and upholding peacebuilding commitments.

For more information on how to contribute, contact the Head of the Secretariat. Your contribution will support quality interventions that enhance the capacities of women civil society leaders and local organizations to prevent conflict, respond to emergencies, and seize key peacebuilding opportunities in conflict and crises contexts around the world.

OverviewKey results

OverviewKey financial figures


The work of the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund are possible thanks to the generous contributions by public and private sector partners

ContributorsMulti-stakeholder partnerships

The work of the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund is possible thanks to the efforts of . These resources are pooled and channelled to participating organizations to promote joint action and multi-stakeholder partnerships, making a difference on the ground.

OverviewPartner organizations receiving funding

OverviewSDG Contribution
