ObjectivesFund scope
Fund Scope
The DRC Humanitarian Fund is a multi-donor country-based pooled mechanism created in 2006 to allocate funding to the most urgent life-saving interventions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
Funds are allocated to activities that have been prioritized as the most urgent and strategic to address critical humanitarian needs in the country in close alignment with the DRC Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). It also funds interventions to immediately respond to sudden onset crises or rapidly deteriorating humanitarian conditions in the country.
The DRC Humanitarian Fund has three main objectives:
- Improve the humanitarian response by ensuring that funding is allocated to priority humanitarian needs through an inclusive and coordinated process;
- Strengthen the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator and support his coordinating role;
- Mobilize resources and support coordination in support of the Humanitarian Response Plan.
Funds received from donor countries are unearmarked and allocated in response to priority humanitarian needs on the basis of joint planning and an inclusive, field-focused decision-making process. The funds are used to finance humanitarian projects implemented by national and international NGOs, organisations of the Red Cross Movement and UN Agencies, eligible partners of the DRC Humanitarian Fund.
In addition, the DRC Humanitarian Fund aims to ensure that the response to humanitarian needs is carried out in a spirit of collaboration, encouraging cooperation and coordination within and between Clusters and humanitarian organizations.
In 15 years of operations, the DRC HF has mobilized and allocated more than US$1.3 billion through 1,674 projects, helping more than 79 million people.