Joint SDG Fund is an inter-agency mechanism that incentivizes transformative policy and financing to shift and stimulate strategic investments required to catalyze and accelerate progress against the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the country level. The flexibility and demand-based approach Fund stakeholders are afforded caters to the specific needs of diverse UN country teams and has been critical in effectively responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and stimulating SDG integration in national systems and programmes.
Click to donate to the Joint SDG Fund.
Status: Active
Latest reports:
Fund established:
The work of the Joint SDG Fund are possible thanks to the generous contributions by public and private sector partners
The work of the Joint SDG Fund is possible thanks to the efforts of . These resources are pooled and channelled to participating organizations to promote joint action and multi-stakeholder partnerships, making a difference on the ground.
The Joint SDG Fund’s value proposition is based on a two-folded strategy, 1) activate integrated policy and financing levers to promote systemic change and innovation at the country level to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs (the “what”), and 2) advance UNDS reform by enhancing coherence and effectiveness through bringing together the UN system at the country level under Resident Coordinator leadership (the “how”).
The Fund accelerates catalytic change towards the SDGs at country level. It enables RC-led UN country teams (UNCTs) to bring the capacities, knowledge, partnerships, and networks of UN entities together, along with an emphasis on UN core values, to bring about transformative actions and system-level change for the SDGs. The resulting SDG policy and financing solutions aim to integrate the social, economic, and environmental aspects of sustainable development. The approach ‘breaks down the silos’, leading to more coherent and effective policy outcomes and facilitates synergies across a wide spectrum of local and international stakeholders and development partners. Human rights, gender, children and youth, and the environment, and the principle of Leaving No One Behind, are mainstreamed in all funding to promote integration, innovation, and safeguarding of international norms and standards.
The Fund incentivizes UN coherence and collective action for the SDGs under the leadership of RCs (the ‘muscle’) by entrusting a new generation of UNCTs to deliver policy solutions, services, and resources to government partners and other stakeholders. To strengthen the UNDS reform, the Fund emphasizes the leadership role of the RCs in programme identification, design and implementation and ensures that the programmes are based on the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks (UNSDCFs) and that they demonstrate ownership by the government.
The Fund is a critical modality RCs can use in leveraging their coordination role and authority to bring about effective UN joint actions in response to the country’s needs and development priorities. The Fund acts as a catalyst to pool expertise and connections across the UNDS and creates strategic partnerships with diverse UN and other public and private sector stakeholders at global, regional, and local levels.
The Joint SDG Fund operates in three interwoven domains of change:
These three domains are closely linked. To convert integrated policy change into transformative action these changes must be accompanied by new, more coordinated, more comprehensive financing strategies and catalytic investments. The Joint SDG Fund supports country level responses to their critical developmental needs with a recognition of the interdependent and integrated nature of the SDGs. This implies a necessity to formulate and implement policies that transcend sectoral domains and institutional responsibilities, and that enable integrated multi and cross-sectoral action and catalytic finance.
Chaired by the United Nations Deputy Secretary General and Chair of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group, the Strategic Advisory Group provides leadership, vision, and direction to the Fund. The Group is responsible for facilitating stakeholder consultation and taking stock of overall progress.
Under the direction of the Strategic Advisory Group, the Operational Steering Committee is responsible for the efficient management and coordination of operational, oversight, and technical aspects of the Joint SDG Fund. It ensures the Fund is a timely, fast, and flexible instrument for responding to country needs by drawing on technical expertise from the entire United Nations Development System. Based on the direction set by the Strategic Advisory Group, the Operational Steering Committee oversees calls for concept notes submitted by Resident Coordinators/UNCTs, supervises the development of full proposals, and agrees on allocations.
The Secretariat provides operational and administrative support to the Strategic Advisory Group and Operational Steering Committee. Responsible for the coordination and day-to-day management of the Fund, the Secretariat provides quality assurance for the implementation of activities. Additionally, the Secretariat facilitates collaboration and communication between governance bodies, Participating United Nations Organizations, Resident Coordinators, and UNCTs.
Capital for Joint SDG Fund programmes is routed via a pass-through mechanism. Participating United Nations Organizations receive funds through the Administrative Agent, the Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) Office. The Administrative Agent is responsible for the receipt, administration and management of contributions from donors, disbursement of funds to Participating Organizations, and consolidation and dissemination of progress reports to donors.
The work of is possible thanks to the efforts of contributors. Since together they have contributed . In the annual contributions amounted to .
Funds with Administrative Agent | |
Contributions from Donors | |
Contributions from MDTFs | |
-Sub-total contributions | |
Interest and Investment Income (from fund) | |
Interest (from Participating Organizations) | |
Other Income | |
Fund balance transferred to another MDTF | |
Refunds by Administrative Agent to Contributors | |
Total source of funds | |
Transferred to Participating Organizations | |
Transfers to MDTFs | |
Transfers to Participating Organizations for Direct Cost - Fund Secretariat etc | |
-Sub-total transfers | |
Refunds from Participating Organizations | |
Refunds received from Participating Organizations for Direct Cost | |
-Sub-total refunds | |
Administrative Agent Fee | |
Bank Charges | |
Other | |
Total use of funds | |
Funds with Participating Organizations | |
Transfers to Participation Organizations | |
Total resources | |
Participating Organizations' Expenditure | |
Refunds from Participating Organizations | |
Total expenses | |
Total Balance of Funds | |
As a percentage of deposits |
Joint SDG Fund is currently supporting count_projects ongoing projectscount_globalInterregional and count_countries country-specific. This table shows the most recently approved ongoing projects.
All project financial information can be found in the Financials section, including delivery analysis by organization, theme and project; project financial status by country and by theme.
Joint SDG Fund
Contributions to trust funds administered by the MPTF Office are pooled with other partner resources to achieve greater impact and leverage the SDGs. This map provides a geographical breakdown of all investments.
* The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations or UNDP concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
> $55M
$55M - $25M
$25M - $5M
< $5M
Budget amounts in US$
The Joint SDG Fund supports resident coordinators and United Nations country teams in achieving sustainable development results by incentivizing integrated policy and transformative financing shifts at the country level. Collective action is central to Fund operations as stakeholders create SDG strategic investments in the areas of integrated policy and financing to help governments cover more distance on the road to 2030.
Nenad Rava, Head of Programmes, Joint SDG Fund, Email: nenad.rava@undp.org
Vivalda Poggiali, Policy and Programme, Email: vivalda.poggiali@un.org
Heewong Kim, M&E manager, Email: heewoong.kim@un.org
Mari Matsumoto, Portfolio Manager, Email: mari.matsumoto@undp.org
Aminata Baro, Portfolio Associate, Email: aminata.baro@undp.org
Margaret Arokium, Finance Associate, Email: margaret.arokium@undp.org
Patricia Ababio, Finance Associate, Email: patricia.ababio@undp.org