GovernanceGovernance arrangements
Steering Committee
The Migration MPTF was governed by the Steering Committee, a multi-partner decision-making body chaired by the Director General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The Steering Committee took decisions by consensus and was responsible for several tasks some of which include, providing oversight and exercising overall accountability of the Trust Fund; reviewing and approving proposals submitted for funding; instructing the Administrative Agent to transfer resources, and reviewing Trust Fund status and overall progress against the results-based matrix.
Consultative Forum
The forum provided stakeholders with a platform to discuss Trust Fund operations, progress, and future direction. With support from the Fund Management Unit, the Chair of the Steering Committee provided an update at the Forum on the status of the Fund, adoption or revision of investment plans, allocation decisions, and reviewing achievements and challenges.
Fund Management Unit
The Fund Management Unit was responsible for day-to-day Trust Fund operations and providing management support to the Steering Committee. The Unit drew on the technical expertise of network members and was housed at IOM headquarters in Geneva. The Fund Management Unit was responsible for coordinating and executing all management functions of the Migration MPTF, planning Steering Committee meetings, and maintaining records of decisions taken.
Administrative Agent
Funds were routed by way of a pass-through mechanism where Participating Organizations received funds through the Administrative Agent, Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) Office. The Administrative Agent is responsible for the receipt, administration and management of contributions from donors, disbursement of funds to Participating Organizations, and consolidation and dissemination of progress reports to donors.
Recipient Organizations
Programme implementation was the responsibility of participating organizations, including from government and civil society. Each organization/institution was programmatically and financially responsible for resources received.