ResourcesHow to contribute

Investment opportunities for the 2030 Agenda era

With a foundation comprising competence, accountability, and innovation, the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office administers and manages a well-designed and professionally managed portfolio of funds and investment opportunities to achieve SDG and 2030 Agenda aims.

Governments, Member State institutions, the private sector, foundations, and individuals can invest in trust funds administered by the MPTF Office.

  • Government partners. Government must sign a standard administrative arrangement (SAA) when financing a Fund. The SAA outlines terms and conditions for financial support and is standardized across multi-partner trust funds.

  • Private sector and foundations. Before private sector partners sign a SAA, a due diligence process is performed. A form of risk assurance, this measure ensures contributor goals are aligned with United Nations principles and values, plus those of the respective fund.

  • Private individuals. The MPTF Office accepts contributions from individuals, but investments can only be directed to certain funds that have an active individual giving program or campaign. For more information, you can explore the portfolio and find which funds allow for individual giving. Some examples include Humanitarian Funds, the Joint SDG Fund and the UN Road Safety Trust Fund.

Standardized and simplified investment processes

MPTF standardized and pre-agreed templates simplify fund processes and, by default, make implementation, tracking, and evaluation easier and faster for stakeholders.

Contributors also have access to our library of documents, which cover the steps and services involved when making a direct investment to one of many United Nations multi-partner trust funds.

How to contribute
Exploring our pooled funds portfolio

A central role of the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office is to facilitate multi-stakeholder partnerships, bringing together partners interested in financing programmes based on specific thematic and geographical focuses. All funds are built on coherent theories of change to better fill existing financial gaps, support collective action, and deliver results with staying power.

Our portfolio comprises over 100 humanitarian, development, environmental, and peace and security funds. Whether it is coral reef and forest conservation or championing women in peacebuilding, fighting corruption, ending child marriage, building communities of practice for social justice, improving disaster risk reduction systems, making Fintech accessible for the hardest-to-reach and most marginalized, updating emergency health responses, or SDG acceleration and advancement, MPTF funds cover large-scale, pressing issues along with local, niche concerns.

By pooling resources, partners contribute to collective goals and objectives.