On December 17, 2020, the Government of the Republic of Korea, and the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office in New York virtually signed the Standard Administrative Arrangement for the Multi-Partner Human Security Trust Fund for the Aral Sea Region in Uzbekistan (MPHSTF) on the Republic of Korea’s contribution of USD 1 million to the MPHSTF.
The funds will be utilized to help communities of the Aral Sea Region improve their socio-economic conditions, health and wellbeing. In addition to this generous contribution to the MPHSTF, the Government of the Republic of Korea makes efforts to support various initiatives focused on the Aral Sea Region. Particularly, the Government plans to provide a grant of USD 5.56 million through the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) as the Korean International Cooperation Agency’s (KOICA) multilateral development project in the Aral Sea region.
Apart from the Republic of Korea, the Fund has received multiple contributions from the Government of Uzbekistan, Norway, Finland, and the European Union to create synergies and identify the best solutions to mitigate the consequences of the Aral Sea disaster.
The MPHSTF, established under the auspices of the United Nations in late 2018, provides an integrated platform for national and international cooperation to address the ecological and socio-economic needs of communities living in the Aral Sea region, as well as to accelerate joint efforts to achieve global Sustainable Development Goals.
Originally published on www.aral.mptf.uz