A family man, a leader, a visionary. These are words used by the community to describe Jhan Carlos Moreno, a former combatant who lives in Caldono, Cauca - part of the 5% of the non-indigenous population of that territory.
For him, pluri- diversity is a comprehensive part of the Multiactive Cooperative Esperanza del Pueblo ECOMUN, of which he is the Legal Representative. In his own words "It makes us a diverse team, and given the characteristics of the cooperative, it represents the cultural diversity of the territory". He highlights the genuine commitment of the entire community to the process: "We incorporate the gender approach throughout the reincorporation process. Coordination in the territory is based on the concept of work as pedagogy of collective construction, and that pedagogy can be evidenced in the crops. We work equally with women, as well as in sports where children, women and men participate". Based on Hass avocado and fish farming, Jhan Carlos envisions the future of Caldono. The Project has promoted skills that are reflected in their businesses. "We add to our current life something that we did not have in our military life, and that is the economic projection, because to guarantee the social aspects, we must generate income. We have defined a productive chain with an economic projection for 30 years [...] it has been fundamental that men and women who believe in reincorporation as well as indigenous communities, now have the chance to be productive and sustainable. This promotes sustainability in our communities and families. |