NewsSierra Leone Multi-Donor Trust Fund

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The UNCT in Sierra Leone has agreed to combine its efforts and resources behind a Joint Vision (2009–2012) in support of the Government of Sierra Leone and its people. Through the “Joint Vision for Sierra Leone,” the UN defines the common priorities that will guide its activities and

The UNCT in Sierra Leone has agreed to combine its efforts and resources behind a Joint Vision (2009–2012) in support of the Government of Sierra Leone and its people. Through the “Joint Vision for Sierra Leone,” the UN defines the common priorities that will guide its activities and out­lines a set of underlying criteria and comparative ad­vantages that will shape its programmes and projects through a conflict-sensitive approach. The Joint Vision sets out a number of joint planning, implementation and coordination mechanisms with the aim of enhanc­ing the impact of UN assistance as part of the interna­tional community’s efforts to consolidate peace and promote sustainable development in Sierra Leone.

Furthermore, the Joint Vision defines the UN’s contri­bution to implementing the Agenda for Change, to accomplishing the mandate given to the UN by the Security Council and to supporting the goals and work of the UN Peacebuilding Commission. The total resources required for implementing the Joint Vision over the four years are estimated to be US$349 million, of which US$204 million (58 percent) would be required as new funding to be channeled through the recently established Sierra Leone MDTF.

The overall objective of the MDTF is to create a joint funding window that corresponds to and supports the program­matic integration that the UN is seeking to accomplish. For more information, visit