In March 2008, Bhutan became the world's youngest democracy following the successful election of the country's first democratically elected Parliament. The opportunity now is to help strengthen this democratically elected government including Bhutan's constitutional bodies and local governments, expand
In March 2008, Bhutan became the world's youngest democracy following the successful election of the country's first democratically elected Parliament. The opportunity now is to help strengthen this democratically elected government including Bhutan's constitutional bodies and local governments, expand the role of civil society and develop an independent media while continuing to make progress in the socio-economic arena.
The United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Bhutan has established the UN Bhutan Country Fund to fill funding gaps in support of the Bhutan UN Development
Assistance Framework (UNDAF), the Action Plan for Bhutan (common Country Programme Action Plan: cCPAP) and emerging needs. The cCPAP is aligned with national development priorities laid out in the 10th Five-Year Plan of the Royal Government; it encompasses the activities of 15 UN organizations supporting Bhutan within the five UNDAF outcome areas of support.
The Fund will enhance the flexibility and responsiveness of the UN system to adapt to national priorities by supporting the allocation and disbursement of donor resources and enhancing a coherent resource mobilization strategy. For more information, visit