2023 Annual Report - Fast Facts


Worldwide impact

+107 program countries received resources for implementation to respond to development, climate, emergency, security, and peacebuilding challenges.   


Green action

$234 million US dollars invested in climate and environment funds that cover forestation, biodiversity, green economy, and climate security in 2023.   


Nexus financing

Bridging finance across the humanitarian-development nexus and other sectors and industries according to context. 


Gender equality is non-negotiable

Introducing and integrating gender equality markers into the new MPTF Office fund management platform, which is used by a growing number of pooled funds. 



Diversifying resources from contributors

19 contributors from the private sector, foundations, and civil society helped expand stakeholder networks and widen the contribution base.   


Advancing UN Reform

More than 45 UN organizations collaborated on joint programmes around the world. 


Expanding civil society engagement

Over 70 non-UN entities were directly involved in implementing programmes on multi-sector issues. Launched following rigorous due diligence processes, many projects rolled out in peacebuilding settings or provided climate and environment finance solutions.  



Investing in quality

All pooled funds administered by the MPTF Office incorporate quality management features described in the Funding Compact commitments. 


Co-creating innovative financial instruments

19 new pooled financial instruments were designed and established to promote joint action on a variety of high-impact areas such as risk data, biodiversity and health, and climate information.  


Supporting broad coalitions of partners

Over 200 partners, contributors, and Member States engaged directly in pooled funding.