NewsClimate Security Mechanism launches Progress Report 2023

CSM Climate Peace and Security training in Mali picture with captions.jpg

The Climate Security Mechanism Progress Report 2023 summarizes the main achievements of the CSM in 2023 towards advancing peace-positive climate action, catalyzing climate-informed approaches to peace and security, and forging partnerships with actors at all levels.

Established in late 2018, the CSM draws on the complementary resources of the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA), the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UN Department of Peace Operations (DPO).
Responding to growing calls for action by affected communities, Member States, regional organizations, experts and policymakers around the world, the CSM seeks to strengthen the capacity of the UN and its partners to systematically analyze and address the linkages between climate change, peace and security.
Support to analysis and action remains the CSM’s most direct way of catalyzing impact in countries and regions affected by climate-related peace and security risks, including through targeted assistance delivered via Climate, Peace and Security advisors deployed with CSM support.
In addition to backstopping integrated analysis and action in regional and country contexts, the CSM maintains thematic workstreams to create an enabling environment for more climate, peace and security work to emerge across the UN system and beyond, while amplifying the CSM’s impact.
In 2023, the CSM entered a new phase designed to scale up good practices from the CSM’s work to date, expand its service offer, and maximize its catalytic impact, while further leveraging the political and technical expertise of its entities. Find out more in the report, which also includes an overview of 2024 priorities:
Learn more about the Climate Security Mechanism.