The Climate Security Mechanism (CSM) is a joint initiative by the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA), the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), and the UN Department of Peace Operations (DPO). It aims to strengthen the capacity of the United Nations to systematically analyze and address the linkages between climate change, peace and security.
The CSM Joint Programme works with partners to advance peace-positive climate action, catalyze climate-informed approaches to peace and security, and forge partnerships at all levels to exchange information and build the evidence base.
Status: Active
Latest reports:
Fund established:
The work of the JP Climate Security Mechanism are possible thanks to the generous contributions by public and private sector partners
The work of the JP Climate Security Mechanism is possible thanks to the efforts of . These resources are pooled and channelled to participating organizations to promote joint action and multi-stakeholder partnerships, making a difference on the ground.
The impact of climate-related security risks challenge the ability of the United Nations staff to implement organizational mandates effectively. Responses take many forms, but there is no shared approach or common repository of good practices on how to link the areas of climate change, conflict prevention, and sustaining peace. As a result, long-term and multidimensional components get left out of climate-related security programmes and planning does not involve integrated approaches or avenues for securing sufficient resources.
The Climate Security Mechanism integrates climate-related security risk assessments to better identify gaps and opportunities for addressing climate-related security risks and outcomes on all individuals. In collaboration with partners, including international researchers and non-governmental organizations, the CSM offers a simple and flexible model of service delivery to support climate-peace-security and development action in high-risk regions. Cutting across regional and thematic focus areas, the fund model centers on four priority areas of work: Capacity building, supporting data collection and analysis, advocacy and partnerships, and knowledge generation and management.
Since its inception, the CSM expanded its partnerships to scale up projects and provide in-depth technical advice and support in places most affected by overlapping challenges linked to climate change, peace, and security. To date, mechanism stakeholders have developed 13 catalytic field initiatives in the Americas, the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia that are dedicated to building capacities and supporting integrated approaches for the analysis and management of climate-related security risks.
Theory of change
If the traditional divides between the peace and security, human rights, and development pillars of the UN are bridged to collectively address climate-related security risks at multiple levels, and if UN entities have the necessary resources and capacity to expand existing efforts to analyze, understand and respond to climate-related security risks in an integrated fashion, and if strategic partnerships are formed outside the UN system, and if the evidence base of climate-related security effects is strengthened and combined with gender-sensitive information and interactions with social, economic, demographic and political factors, and if diplomatic, advocacy and communications efforts help raise awareness among global, regional and national leaders and decision makers, and if stakeholders convene to consider evidence-based assessments of climate-related security risks and appropriate responses, THEN entities working on climate change, disaster risk reduction and sustainable development, and entities working on peace and security and conflict prevention will be better able to develop effective response strategies and policy and programming solutions to address climate-related security risks.
Addressing the security implications of climate change is a collective problem and requires collective responses. These revolve around strengthening partnerships to leverage existing capacities across the UN system and with Member States, regional organizations, civil society, the growing external research community, and also the private sector.
Joint Steering Committee
Comprised of representatives from funding partners of the CSM, the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office as administrative agent of the Joint Programme, and the CSM entities (DPPA, UNDP, UNEP and DPO), to ensure shared ownership, Joint Steering Committee members provide overall policy guidance, oversight, and leadership to the programme, and also review the status of implementation and coordination.
The Secretariat oversees CSM operations and acts as the central point of contact for partner countries. Providing advice to the Joint Steering Committee, the Secretariat supports strategic planning, narrative progress reporting, monitoring and evaluation, and risk management. It also facilitates the review process for securing financing for the CSM Joint Programme.
Administrative Agent
Participating Organizations receive funds through the Administrative Agent, Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) Office. The Administrative Agent handles the receipt, administration and management of contributions from donors, disbursement of funds to Participating Organizations, and consolidation and dissemination of progress reports to donors.
Participating Organizations
Programme implementation is the responsibility of Participating Organizations. Each organization is programmatically and financially responsible for resources received.
The work of is possible thanks to the efforts of contributors. Since together they have contributed . In the annual contributions amounted to .
Funds with Administrative Agent | |
Contributions from Donors | |
Contributions from MDTFs | |
-Sub-total contributions | |
Interest and Investment Income (from fund) | |
Interest (from Participating Organizations) | |
Other Income | |
Fund balance transferred to another MDTF | |
Refunds by Administrative Agent to Contributors | |
Total source of funds | |
Transferred to Participating Organizations | |
Transfers to MDTFs | |
Transfers to Participating Organizations for Direct Cost - Fund Secretariat etc | |
-Sub-total transfers | |
Refunds from Participating Organizations | |
Refunds received from Participating Organizations for Direct Cost | |
-Sub-total refunds | |
Administrative Agent Fee | |
Bank Charges | |
Other | |
Total use of funds | |
Funds with Participating Organizations | |
Transfers to Participation Organizations | |
Total resources | |
Participating Organizations' Expenditure | |
Refunds from Participating Organizations | |
Total expenses | |
Total Balance of Funds | |
As a percentage of deposits |
JP Climate Security Mechanism is currently supporting count_projects ongoing projectscount_globalInterregional and count_countries country-specific. This table shows the most recently approved ongoing projects.
All project financial information can be found in the Financials section, including delivery analysis by organization, theme and project; project financial status by country and by theme.
JP Climate Security Mechanism
Contributions to trust funds administered by the MPTF Office are pooled with other partner resources to achieve greater impact and leverage the SDGs. This map provides a geographical breakdown of all investments.
* The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations or UNDP concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
> $55M
$55M - $25M
$25M - $5M
< $5M
Budget amounts in US$
Welcoming @UAEMissionToUN's partnership for #ClimateSecurityMechanism and its work towards supporting #COP28 Declaration on Climate Relief Recovery & Peace.
— Achim Steiner (@ASteiner) April 2, 2024
UNDP is committed to climate resilience, sustaining peace & security. pic.twitter.com/oeFjR2kBmh
The commitment of @UNDPPA and the #ClimateSecurityMechanism to implementing the @COP28_UAE Climate, Relief, Recovery and Peace Declaration is steadfast.
— UN Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (@UNDPPA) April 2, 2024
Learn more about the Declaration: https://t.co/zhlFNKqumt#CSM factsheet: https://t.co/2QJ2xYR3Fi pic.twitter.com/ElIN14CsR9
Delighted to announce that @UAEMissionToUN is now part of the #ClimateSecurityMechanism. This partnership promises a positive impact on global climate, peace, and security initiatives, including those for #Afghanistan @UNAMAnews.
— UN Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (@UNDPPA) April 2, 2024
Learn more about #CSM: https://t.co/3hyNavHNT5 pic.twitter.com/PHzZuut4zg
Today, the UAE announced a new USD 1.2 million partnership with the UN Climate Security Mechanism.
— UAE Mission to the UN (@UAEMissionToUN) April 2, 2024
We will support a Climate Security Advisor in Afghanistan at @UNAMAnews, as well as the vital work of CSM globally.
This partnership will contribute to the UN's efforts to… pic.twitter.com/64Vse0ru1z
The #Climate, #Peace & #Security Trello board managed by the #ClimateSecurityMechanism includes a dedicated calendar of 60+ #ClimatePeaceSecurity -related events planned during #COP28 including on Relief, Recovery & Peace day (3 December).
— Valentin Hervouet (@valhervouet) December 2, 2023
➡️Check it out: https://t.co/xb8RNbHuEL pic.twitter.com/nFLUARVuEn
Today the #ClimateSecurityMechanism convened the CSM Dialogue - a roundtable to mobilize partnerships to bridge #ClimateAction #Peace #Security. Encouraging to hear UN #ClimatePeaceSecurity field experts & to be joined by 35+ Member States & regional organizations in NY & online pic.twitter.com/uS4GIUrNkl
— Valentin Hervouet (@valhervouet) April 28, 2023
Le #ClimateSecurityMechanism, une initiative conjointe @UNDPPA @pnudfr @UNEP_Francais @UNPeacekeeping, renforce la capacité de l'ONU à agir en matière de #Climat #Paix & #Sécurité
— Valentin Hervouet (@valhervouet) October 20, 2023
Une vidéo @franceonu & @GermanyUN @SwedenUN @NorwayUN @UKUN_NewYork @irishmissionun @MPTFOffice https://t.co/g5iL9UefZ1
The #ClimateSecurityMechanism joint initiative by@UNDPPA @UNDP @UNEP @UNPeacekeeping strengthens the UN's capacity to address #ClimateChange #Peace & #Security
— Valentin Hervouet (@valhervouet) October 20, 2023
Find out more in this video by @franceonu & @GermanyUN@SwedenUN @NorwayUN @UKUN_NewYork @irishmissionun @MPTFOffice https://t.co/OZnSJZdD25
Valentin Hervouet, Programme Management Specialist, CSM Secretariat, Email: valentin.hervouet@undp.org
Turhan Saleh, Deputy Director, Crisis Bureau, UNDP, Email: turhan.saleh@undp.org
Andrei Dementiev, Progamme Analyst, Email: andrei.dementiev@undp.org
Tatiana Harmon, Portfolio Associate, Email: tatiana.harmon@undp.org
Olga Romanovskaya, Finance Associate, Email: olga.romanovskaya@undp.org