ObjectivesObjectives and strategic approach
Protection and promotion of human rights is at the core of sustainable development. The Philippines has a strong domestic legal and policy framework for protection of human rights, and officials and representatives have actively engaged with initiatives and frameworks within the international human rights system. Yet, ongoing challenges led to the establishment of the UN Joint Programme for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in the Philippines. Stakeholders work towards strengthening human rights-based approaches in targeted areas to increase local engagement around international human rights mechanisms that support effective and accountable responses for human rights violations and abuses.
Joint Programme stakeholders focus on six key areas:
- Strengthening domestic investigative and accountability mechanisms.
- Improved data gathering on alleged police violations.
- Civic space and engagement with civil society.
- Strengthening the National Mechanism for Reporting and follow-up.
- Human rights-based approaches to drug control and counterterrorism.
Resources are mobilized from multiple development partners and Joint Programme stakeholders will advocate for compliance through Philippines international human rights obligations and adjacent domestic legislation.
This Joint Programme contributes accelerating SDGs 16, 17, 3 and 5.
Strategic framework and theory of change
If laws and policies in the Philippines comply with international human rights standards, and are effectively implemented, the capacity and commitment of duty bearers to apply human rights-based approaches are enhanced, mechanisms to hold both human rights violators and abusers accountable are strengthened, and rights holders have effective avenues through which they can claim their rights without fear of repercussion, then the rights of all people will be better respected at all times.
Joint programme stakeholders implement projects they hope will strengthen the capacities of duty bearers to respect, protect, and fulfill human rights. Human rights-based approaches will be applied to a dearth of services, standards, and institutional mechanisms, which will hopefully lead to a substantial reduction in violations due to increased awareness and compliance with state (international) human rights obligations. Furthermore, programme action will help strengthen domestic accountability mechanisms that address human rights violations and abuses, increasing social accountability and justice for victims. Overall, Rights holders, including victims of human rights violations and abuses and their families will be in a better position to claim their rights.
Strategies to improve sector efficiency and accountability include the delivery of fair and equal justice, enhancing accountability through an engaged citizenry, and improving sector efficiency. All programme outcomes align with the United Nations Socioeconomic and Peacebuilding Framework for COVID-19 recovery and the Partnership Framework for Sustainable Development (2019-2023), which redefines the nature of UN engagement in the Philippines and considers national commitments promote and protect political, civil, economic, social, and cultural rights